Shalini J. Yamdagni

A Note from Shalini


Wow! November so far has felt like a roller coaster of emotions!

In Thailand, we are still officially mourning the passing away of our King Bhumibol Adulyadej last month. As things seemed to settle down a bit, the extremely charged US Elections created its own emotional shockwave around the globe!  And just yesterday, we had the SUPER FULL MOON stirring up all kinds of emotions again!

All this outer chaotic energy reminded me the importance going within and getting deeply rooted and grounded. I have to admit I did begin to lose myself in all the outer drama. But I managed to stop quickly and re-focus inward to still my mind and find peace.  I was reminded of the beautiful serenity prayer.

Dear God,
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can, and
the wisdom to know the difference.

I hope that as you move through these highly charged times, this simple yet powerful prayer will soothe and comfort you, help you focus of what truly matters, and help you let go and let God!

All good wishes,


Featured Article

Are you ready to stop tolerating pain?

Are you Ready to
Stop Tolerating Pain?

All of us have things in life that we want. But often we find ourselves stuck and not getting what we want.  We feel confused and frustrated and angry at first, but since nothing we try works, we decide that we simply have to "tolerate” the pain and move on!

Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that:

  • when you tolerate things you do not want, you keep yourself from attracting what you do want!
  • also whatever you ‘tolerate’ only multiplies over time! 

So I want to ask you…

  • What pain are you tolerating in your life?
  • Are you tolerating physical pain and have decided that you just have to live with it?
  • Is your anxiety taking control of your life and since nothing has worked so far, you think you are stuck with it?
  • Are you in a painful relationship and you feel you just have to ‘put up with’?
  • Are you aware of a negative pattern that you just cant seem to break free from?
  • Are you tolerating a job where you feel stagnant, frustrated, and unhappy but you keep at it because you fear there is nothing else out there for you?

We humans have an immense capacity for tolerating pain. I speak from experience! A decade ago, I was "tolerating” immense physical pain due to an illness I had.  I had tried so many different things but nothing had worked. So I thought I was stuck with the pain. But it wasn’t just physical pain I was tolerating!  I was tolerating a job that I felt totally disconnected with. My relationships with my loved ones were going downhill day by day. My sense of self worth was at its lowest and yet I kept moving forward day after day, week after week, month after month living with all the bottled up pain.

So, did "tolerating” the pain help? NO!

Actually things got far worse in every area of my life - and I hit rock bottom as I was told to quit my job and was confined to bedrest indefinitely!

Today I barely recognize the person I was back then. My life today is beautiful, magical, filled with the things I truly desire. A few years back I even co-authored an international best selling book Pebbles In The Pond - Wave 3, and my chapter was titled "You Can Have It All’!

So what changed? Well, I decided I was no longer ready to tolerate pain in my life! I had had enough! I knew deep in my heart that there was a lot more to my life than I was living. And I was determined to be open and willing to find a new way. And I did! And you can too!

Here are some tips to get started on your pain free path…

  • Acknowledge the pain you are tolerating- many people are so used to living in intense pain, they don’t even recognize. The first step is to acknowledge that you are holding on to pain.
  • Recognize the impact of tolerating pain- tolerating pain impacts your life, your self-worth, your relationships, your health, and limits the quality of your life!

Ask yourself… what is the cost of staying stuck in this pain? How will tolerating this pain affect me 6 months from now? 12 months from now? Remember your body, mind, and spirit can only take so much! 

  • Make a Decision- to stop tolerating pain! When you tolerate pain, the universe brings you more of the same painful experiences.  When you make a commitment to STOP TOLERATING  PAIN, you send a clear/different message to the universe. Only then do you allow new possibilities, solutions, new doors to open that you thought didn’t exist! 
  • Get Support- since you have been in pain for a long while, it might be hard to see clearly the new possibilities for yourself. If you could have helped yourself out of this pain, you would have got yourself out of this pain by now! So to jump-start your journey to a pain free life, get expert support. Someone who you know has done this journey many times and can quickly help you get to where you want to be.

If you are here reading this far, I believe that somewhere deep in your heart, you dobelieve that there is more to your life than what you are living. That at your core you do believe that you are meant to live an enriching and fulfilling life. And I want to tell you what you want is truly possible! It begins with making a decision to stop tolerating pain now!


"Thank you Shalini for the EFT coaching! I really appreciated your insights on how our emotional pain affects all aspects of our lives. You are truly gifted in your work and your ability to get to the root of an issue.

You are an amazing example of turning your health around by addressing the emotions behind it. You are a beautiful, gifted soul & anyone would be truly blessed to be able to work with you - I know I have!"


Jen Poulson

About Shalini

Shalini is an internationally renowned Emotional and Physical Pain Relief Expert. She is also an international best selling author of the book Pebbles In The Pond Wave Three, co-authored with Lisa Nichols and others.

After doctors prescribed bed rest indefinitely due to an illness and chronic pain, she went on a profound journey - discovered tools that she used by herself and healed herself completely. Since then, she has helped hundreds of pain sufferers, sometimes including doctors, go from feeling stuck to relieved, and from frustration and anger to peace and clarity. Her work has been featured on national and international magazines, newspapers, and even on television.

Shalini is currently focused on working long term with a small group who are feeling sick of being stuck, who are ready and committed to doing what it takes to bring the big shifts they want.
You can visit her website,, email, or complete an online survey at for a 45-minute free assessment session.


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