Shalini J. Yamdagni

A Note from Shalini


Hi [fname],

Sunrise View
Sunset View

It’s December! Yeah!

I love this time of the year. The excitement building up to the New Years, holiday planning, malls littered with glittery bright shiny things, a festive feeling, gift giving, gathering together for celebrations at work, with families, friends. A feeling of newness, joy!

It’s also at this time of the year (nov-dec) that I get to watch both the sunrise and sunset right from my condo’s balcony. Being an early riser, I get a splendid view those pink crimson rays of the early morning sun creeping into the sky and spreading the light of love, hope, fresh beginnings and new opportunities. And then again, I am blessed to watch the golden rays of setting sun and their calm and warm embrace as the sun bids farewell for the day and my heart fills with absolute gratitude.

As I reflect on this year, I feel so honored to have this opportunity to be able connect with each one of you through my newsletter. I want to thank you so much for joining me on this journey together and I look forward to continuing this sharing and connecting and growing with you in the coming year. May each unique sunrise and the sunset bring you more joy, happiness and everything else that you dream and desire!

Wishing you a golden and grand New Year!

See you in 2014 Smile

PS: Would you like to connect with Shalini or explore working with her? Click here to complete the survey and start the process today!

Featured Article

The Holidays are here!

What feelings do the winter holidays stir up in you?

Are you:

  • Feeling joy, excitement, happiness, or love, OR maybe overwhelm and stress because there is too much to do and too little time trying to get it all done and done right?
  • Experiencing the holiday blues?
  • Feeling alone, far away from the comfort of home and family, missing loved ones?
  • Feeling like you are just not ready to face all this holiday cheer and feel depressed and anxious trying to get through this holiday season?

Regardless of where you are on the emotional scale as you think of the holiday season, you do not have to resign yourself to a season of frustration and tension. I hope my gifts for you - 2 tap-along videos, will help you beat the holiday stress and and set you up for a great holiday season!

Using a very simple, yet powerful and effective self help tool EFT, Emotional Freedom
Techniques, popularly known as "tapping" because you literally "tap" lightly with fingertips on key acupressure points, I will show you how you can shift your energy from stress and overwhelm to one of peace and calm right now!

We all know about The Law of Attraction: we attract what we hold on to. So as we let go of the stress and anxiety and feel more calm and peace instead, we set ourselves up for attracting more calm, peace and joy into the holiday season.

To have immediate access to these 2 powerful videos, click here! All you need to do is watch the video and ‘tap’ along to with me and watch your energy shift instantly!

Would you like to connect with Shalini or explore working with her? Click here to complete the survey and start the process today!


"I had never heard of EFT but my life coach suggested I "give it a try." My experience with EFT and with Shalini was a life-changing experience. I had been suffering from recurring lower back pain and other "mysterious" pains in my chest and ribcage that traditional medicine couldn't identify. After going through a session of EFT "tapping" my pains were almost completely gone. I was able to fully alleviate myself of the back pain and significantly reduce my ribcage/chest pain. Through Shalini's gentle guidance I felt comfortable to let go of the many negative emotions that were holding me back and thus causing my body to respond with pain. I feel so much freer and healthier. Tapping has now become a part of my daily life and its benefits continually amaze me!"

Tracy Williams
Marketing Executive

About Shalini

Shalini is an Emotional and Physical Pain Relief Expert. She is a certified Advanced EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and a Master's in Social Work from Delhi University, India. She also holds a Certificate of Participation in Radical Healing, Emotional Empowerment Therapy and is a certified Reiki Level 1 practitioner.

Shalini began using EFT to relieve herself from her physical pain. As she used the EFT Technique, she instantly discovered reductions in her pain levels. Following EFT's Personal Peace Procedure, she worked on "letting go" of all the old hurts, angers and pain. Practicing EFT for about an hour or two everyday for almost a month, she not only freed herself completely from every single pain in her body, but discovered a deep passion to empower others to help themselves using EFT.

Shalini is now focused on working long term with a small group of clients who are tired of feeling "stuck" in their situation and are "ready" and "committed" to bringing in BIG SHIFTS that they seek in their lives.


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